Your Winter Water Mind
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Your Winter Water Mind

The pandemic may give you the nudge – or imperative-  to scale back your normal holiday activities and take advantage of a quieter-than-normal holiday season.  Here’s why you should go with that flow this year. Most importantly, it may keep you safe and help you avoid getting (or spreading) the Covid-19 virus. It may also help…

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“Physician, heal thyself”: how this acupuncturist stays well

People often ask me how I take care of myself. “You’re an acupuncturist; do you give yourself acupuncture?” The answer is yes and no. No, I do not usually needle myself because I cannot always perceive myself objectively, so I prefer to have another trusted acupuncturist treat me. It’s nice to be taken care of,…

Your back hurts, but it might really be a heart-ache
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Your back hurts, but it might really be a heart-ache

We function on many levels, and a great acupuncture treatment will attempt to meet you at your highest level of need, whatever that is at the moment.  This is why your treatments change from appointment to appointment, even if you are coming for a series of treatment for a specific issue. The same song, if…

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Power up your Late Summer Meditation with Essential Oils of Frankincense, Sandalwood & Lemon

Late Summer is a special and brief season between Summer and the Fall equinox, and is the approximate middle of the lunar year. It is the season of the Earth element.  This is a time of fullness, of enjoying the bounty of the farm and garden.  In acupuncture theory, there are additional associations with Late…

The Pack Has Your Back: 2018 is the Yang Earth Dog Year!
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The Pack Has Your Back: 2018 is the Yang Earth Dog Year!

We welcome the Yang Earth Dog year on 16 February, 2018! This article will explain how each year acquires its name and characteristics, and how it might play out in weather, society, relationships and health. And why it’s a good year for singing! Each year is governed by one of the 12 zodiac animals, according…