I choose to be vaccinated against Covid-19
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I choose to be vaccinated against Covid-19

I just received my first dose of the SARS Covid-19 vaccine… and that puts me on “Team Moderna.” I believe the best medicine is what is appropriate under the circumstances. For me in this pandemic, the best medicine is to be vaccinated against the Covid-19 virus.  I went to Dodger Stadium (along with thousands of…

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November is National Skin Care Month: 10 reasons to give your skin some TLC

Most of us think summer skin needs more care than winter skin, but it ain’t necessarily so. As long as you are still active, sweating, wearing a protective mask and exposed to weather, your skin needs TLC. Has “pandemic fatigue” hit your skin care routine?   So let’s hit re-start and see what, if anything, needs…

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Everything Fall: Introducing The Metal Element

In acupuncture theory, the 5 Elements and their many correspondences hold, explain and organize EVERYTHING. The Metal element associates with Fall, so let’s jump in! EVERYTHING FALL, THE METAL ELEMENT:  Classical Five Element Acupuncture is organized around the 5 Elements and their associations. Fall is associated with Metal, the Lungs and Large Intestines, our skin,…

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“Physician, heal thyself”: how this acupuncturist stays well

People often ask me how I take care of myself. “You’re an acupuncturist; do you give yourself acupuncture?” The answer is yes and no. No, I do not usually needle myself because I cannot always perceive myself objectively, so I prefer to have another trusted acupuncturist treat me. It’s nice to be taken care of,…

You have a face mask & hand sanitizer; what happens when the government loosens physical distancing?
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You have a face mask & hand sanitizer; what happens when the government loosens physical distancing?

Doctors and scientists realized early on that the Covid-19 pandemic was rapidly expanding because we were experiencing “community spread.”  That is what led to the current Safer-At-Home restrictions. People are still getting sick, the virus is still out there.  So how do we emerge safely back into our communities, even in a limited way, without…