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How often should you get acupuncture?

The truthful answer is, “it depends.” It depends on everything!

I’m getting treatment every 3 or 4 weeks because that’s what I need to maintain stability in body, mind and spirit.

If you have a chronic health issue, then most likely regular treatments will help you stay ahead of problematic symptoms. That might be weekly or every other week, or every 3 weeks (everyone has a different sweet spot).

If you are basically healthy, then periodic (monthly or quarterly) tune-ups might be sufficient.

If you have painful menstrual cycles, then scheduling prior to that week will help relieve discomfort, and regulate your cycle.

If you have just undergone surgery, then a handful of treatments clustered closer together will give you a speedier, less painful, and quicker recovery.

Water can’t flow freely due to rocks, leaf litter & debris in the channel. Time for a seasonal cleaning. Metaphor alert!

If you are in the midst of an extended, stressful situation (caring for a family member, working towards a major deadline for school or career, moving), then making time for regular treatments (it really depends on your schedule’s demands and availability) would be considered good preventative medicine, and help you keep an even keel throughout this stressful period.

Even if you are basically healthy, we are all subject to situations that can throw us off balance, physically, mentally or emotionally. Stuff happens, and a lot of stuff is happening now that is taxing even the healthiest among us.  We have to periodically replenish our pantries, empty the dryer lint, and clean out a closet.  We have to give ourselves a rest, a dance break, a laugh, a time-out, a little treat. Energetically we also have to clear out and replenish.  If you’re paying attention (or someone points it out to you), you’ll be able to tell when you’re starting to fray at the edges, can’t focus, your temper is shorter, or maybe you’re quicker to cry.  We begin to see various kinds of debris in the river of our well-being. Acupuncture can help clear that out.

The energetic demands of the seasons change, and our unique dispositions respond to the seasons differently. You may live for Summer or dread it. You may thrive in the cold months, or want to hibernate. By adjusting course throughout the year, you’ll move through the months with greater ease, better sleep, more equanimity, and be better able to deal with the challenges ahead.

What’s the best way to plan your acupuncture treatments? Let’s talk about it.

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  1. Hmm. I like the idea of weekly treatments for chronic illness. I have chronic fatigue syndrome.

    1. Kathleen Port, L.Ac. says:

      If it’s appropriate, weekly treatments can make a world of positive difference. Everyone one is different, of course, but sometimes getting weekly treatments builds up your reserves, and then you can begin to stretch out your treatments to every other week or so. But the investment of more frequent treatments at the beginning is so helpful and one usually makes more rapid progress. I hope you find the best modalities to bring you relief and vitality.

  2. Jojo Reyes Jr says:

    I believe acupuncture as a mode of treatment is not very popular in the West as it is in the East but I’ve read about its good benefits for some chronic ailments. Interesting read!

    1. Kathleen Port, L.Ac. says:

      It’s catching on here, because now some insurance companies will cover treatment for chronic pain and nausea. Acupuncture can do so much more, but this is at least a start!

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