Your First Treatment

For your first visit, please arrive 5-10 minutes early for paperwork. You may also bring any medical records or test results you feel are pertinent to your medical history.

Please wear loose comfortable clothing that will allow access to above the elbows and above the knees, and the abdomen. I can provide a gown, if necessary.

As for food, it is best not to be too hungry or too full before treatment.

… at the sound of the bell…

My clinic is warm, friendly and comfortable, and the treatment room is private.

Your initial 2-hour visit will begin with a consultation to gather and/or clarify information about your chief complaint and personal and medical history. A diagnosis will be made according to classical and modern assessment including examination of the pulse and tongue. Treatment follows, and a plan will be created that may include customized herbal medicine, nutritional supplements and/or dietary suggestions. Some treatments will be followed by a short period of rest with the needles in. Other treatments do not include resting time.

Subsequent treatments are 75-90 minutes, depending on the kind of treatment you require.