I choose to be vaccinated against Covid-19
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I choose to be vaccinated against Covid-19

I just received my first dose of the SARS Covid-19 vaccine… and that puts me on “Team Moderna.” I believe the best medicine is what is appropriate under the circumstances. For me in this pandemic, the best medicine is to be vaccinated against the Covid-19 virus.  I went to Dodger Stadium (along with thousands of…

foot soaking supplies: bucket, salt, vinegar, soft towel
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How (and why) to make an easy Foot Soak with essential oils now

Five reasons why you should make a foot soak with essential oils as a part of your self-care now: Until a few years ago, I was a “bath” person. I didn’t take them often, but when I did, I made them just to my liking, using essential oils, apple cider vinegar, seaweed, sea salt, pink…

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Clary Sage and Pine are Ideal Essential Oils for Fall

One of my favorite ways to stay in tune with the Fall is using essential oils that resonate with it, according to acupuncture and herbal  theory. Clary Sage and Pine are considered Fall oils, and have a powerful effect on the Lung organ and Lung system, which are also associated with Fall. In acupuncture theory,…

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Everything Fall: Introducing The Metal Element

In acupuncture theory, the 5 Elements and their many correspondences hold, explain and organize EVERYTHING. The Metal element associates with Fall, so let’s jump in! EVERYTHING FALL, THE METAL ELEMENT:  Classical Five Element Acupuncture is organized around the 5 Elements and their associations. Fall is associated with Metal, the Lungs and Large Intestines, our skin,…

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How to up your breakfast game: the gift of a “wet” breakfast

By exploring a traditional and versatile Asian breakfast meal called Congee or Jook, you can incorporate enough variety to keep it interesting, transform breakfast into a healthful cooking practice, and even have tasty left-overs for tomorrow! Bonus: Congee is so versatile you can also have it for lunch or dinner! Congee can improve your digestion,…