hyssop flower essential oil is associated with fall

Another Fall essential oil option: Hyssop

Fall and the Metal element has many associations in acupuncture theory. In recent posts, I’ve explored the body, mind and spirit aspects of Fall, as well as essential oils.  Here’s one more essential oil for fall:  Hyssop is classified in herbal theory as hot, dry, and stimulating; therefore, it should be used in moderation. This…

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Clary Sage and Pine are Ideal Essential Oils for Fall

One of my favorite ways to stay in tune with the Fall is using essential oils that resonate with it, according to acupuncture and herbal  theory. Clary Sage and Pine are considered Fall oils, and have a powerful effect on the Lung organ and Lung system, which are also associated with Fall. In acupuncture theory,…

The Spirit of Metal: Inspiration, Grief and Letting Go in Fall
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The Spirit of Metal: Inspiration, Grief and Letting Go in Fall

The body, mind and spirit aspects of Metal, which associates with the Fall season, are interrelated. And yet we can still look at these organs and systems through individual prisms to appreciate them in greater detail and nuance. So, just as we breathe air in through the Lungs, our Spirit is animated by “the breath of…

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Now: Lungs, Large Intestines, and Skin & the Metal Element in Fall

This the second article in a short seasonal series, which focuses on the body.  The previous article introduced the concept of Five Element acupuncture theory and the seasonal associations of Fall. In the body we turn our attention to the Lungs, Large Intestines, and our skin. It might seem odd that those organs would be…