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Now: Lungs, Large Intestines, and Skin & the Metal Element in Fall

This the second article in a short seasonal series, which focuses on the body.  The previous article introduced the concept of Five Element acupuncture theory and the seasonal associations of Fall. In the body we turn our attention to the Lungs, Large Intestines, and our skin. It might seem odd that those organs would be…

You have a face mask & hand sanitizer; what happens when the government loosens physical distancing?
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You have a face mask & hand sanitizer; what happens when the government loosens physical distancing?

Doctors and scientists realized early on that the Covid-19 pandemic was rapidly expanding because we were experiencing “community spread.”  That is what led to the current Safer-At-Home restrictions. People are still getting sick, the virus is still out there.  So how do we emerge safely back into our communities, even in a limited way, without…