Year of the Yang Fire Monkey 2016

Year of the Yang Fire Monkey 2016
Year of the Yang Fire Monkey 2016

Welcome the Fire Monkey year on February 8, 2016! Monkeys are considered the tricksters of the Chinese Twelve astrological Animal Signs and this means it is likely to be an exciting and interesting year. But, remember, “interesting” can be fun, provocative, fascinating and challenging all at the same time; for some; it’s even considered a curse (“May you live in interesting times.”)!

Many folks who consider themselves lucky, or whom others see as getting all the breaks, are simply seeing more opportunities and possibilities than people who normally don’t. Optimistic people, curious people, patient people sometimes see what others miss. So the fun of reading about the characteristics of the new Chinese astrological year might just give you the inspiration to take a chance, ride a wave or see the year through Yang Fire Monkey “glasses”! I hope you have fun with this!

The Elements & What They Signify: The Monkey is traditionally considered a Metal creature. 2016, however, is a Fire Year. Therefore, the elements of this year are Yang Fire over Metal, which means there is automatically a clash as Fire melts and weakens Metal. This Yang Fire is not significantly dangerous because the Monkey is such a strong Metal Element. However, this clash signifies opposing energies. You can expect people to argue heatedly on both sides of an issue. We will probably see this with continued political infighting, the upcoming presidential election, and conflicts within other groups. You may hear a lot of sound and fury, because the Fire element pertains to speaking. If you are a public figure or the head of a community, be careful about looking or acting ridiculous, as your words or actions can bring unwanted attention or troubling notoriety.

The balance of these two elements – Fire over Metal – also means that it may be an expensive year: money is Metal and Fire melts it. People may spend more than usual for travel, clothing and trendy items in the quest for having fun.

Monkey energy is easily distracted, so new and quirky products or services may trend suddenly, then be discarded suddenly as well. Impulsive purchasing means money is flowing more freely; it may be hard to save money in these circumstances. On the other side, there may be more work opportunities if you are selling one of these trending products or services.

What The Year May Feel Like: 2016 will feel like it is going by quickly (Fire energy), so be prepared for a quicker pace than 2015. Being flexible and having a sense of humor will be essential to help you navigate this chaotic, changeable but ultimately fun Monkey year.

The Monkey year will help many people feel happier than they have felt in a long time and they will be able to experience more fun. Although temporary, these feelings will bubble up often throughout the year. Some people may experience a stronger spirit, they may feel more lively, energetic, youthful, even joyful for no apparent reason. You may notice more playfulness and an uptick in social events. You may feel or be at the receiving end of playful banter, flirting and teasing. But just like the weather, moods may change quickly, tempers may flare, frustration may bubble over suddenly. You may witness and experience impetuous behavior. Be mindful of your impulsive behavior and watch for it in others.

The year hosts fun and uplifting energy. Feed it with romantic comedies and humor. Look for upbeat dance music. Colorful clothes and playful accessories should match the mood, mixing colors and patterns, fabrics and embellishments. This is a good year for experimenting with your personal style (hair, wardrobe, cultivating new interests). Take small risks and give yourself permission to break out of your comfort zone; go ahead and try something trendy! This is a good year for taking short trips with the aim of having fun. If you’re a party planner, you could see business boom, so be ready with ideas for making these events super fun.

You may see more trickery, deception and opportunism than usual. It is easier to be persuaded, fooled or taken advantage of this year. And because the Fire element pertains to the heart, you may see more charm and flirtatiousness, spirituality or religious intensity, romantic flings and short-term relationships.

The flip side of Fire energy means you may experience irritations and triggers, appearing suddenly like weird weather (that applies to actual weather as well). Endurance and a good sense of humor will be helpful to see you through the year; you will face the next year stronger as a result. Quick thinking and cleverness will be rewarded, and the ability to solve problems will be enhanced by the energy of the year. But this may not be the best year for making long term plans.

Fire energy can also result in being scattered and disorganized, which can lead to fretting and frustration. People may have quick tempers, sometimes even explosive anger and there may be more yelling or crying, but in most cases it will not last long. People will feel impetuous and have sudden likes and dislikes that change. It will also be easier to disregard personal values, so it is advised that people think before giving into impulses.

Honesty will be desired this year, as truth makes the heart happy and the Fire Element rules the heart.

Expect the Unexpected, Circumstances Will Change Quickly:

Metal is solid until it becomes liquid and that means things change quickly this year and anything can happen. Adaptability and versatility are traits that will be of great value in a Monkey Year. Don’t become complacent. Monkey energy makes the stable suddenly unstable for short periods of time. The bright side is that disputes can be settled rather quickly and conflicts have the potential to be short-lived.

Health Implications:

The Metal organs are the Lungs/Respiratory System, Large Intestine and Skin. So be mindful of eating right for your system and staying hydrated. Support your immune system so you don’t become ill. If you have allergies, invest in an air filter, be vigilant about cleaning your home and/or avoid irritating substances so you don’t succumb. The Fire element is drying, and dryness can harm the lungs, intestines and skin. So in addition to hydration, stay moisturized. Fire depletes the Water element, so again be on the lookout for dehydration, heat stroke, fevers and burns. The Fire element governs the heart and brain. Conditions that are aggravated by Fire include nerve pain and neurological glitches but particularly mania, insomnia and hyperactivity. This is a year where adequate rest must be consciously added to everyone’s schedule. With the giddy energy that is characteristic of the year, some nervous systems may be tested severely. So make an effort to sleep well (consistent times to sleep and wake) and eat appropriately to keep your system in balance.

Learn Sometime! Appreciate Art!

Since Fire Monkeys love to learn, this is a particularly good year for education as well as for art and culture. Students will have livelier minds and curiosity should be rewarded.

Machinery & Safety:

Make sure your machinery (cars, bikes, computers, even kitchen equipment) is well-maintained and operating safely. Make sure your smoke alarms and home/business security systems are functioning properly. Check your home fire extinguishers and make sure they are accessible. If you don’t have an emergency plan for a power outage, now is the time to create one. Find those tools that let you charge your mobile phone in case of an extended power outage. Check your home, garage and storage space for fire hazards.

Thanks to Lillian Bridges for her insights.

DISCLAIMER:  All information in this forecast is based on the ancient principles of the Chinese Five Element Theory and on an understanding of the animal symbolism in Chinese Astrology.  It is intended for entertainment purposes only.  There is no express or implied guarantee of results from using this information, and individual users are solely responsible for their own interpretation or application to their own circumstances.  Further, the information is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for legal, medical, or psychological advice, evaluation and/or treatment.

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