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It’s Summer: Fortify your Outer Frontier Gate

Acupuncture point names are evocative. The Outer Frontier Gate, which is a Summer Fire point, indicates protection from external forces (like viruses), but also what we decide to allow in to our life.  “Gates”  are regulating, and must swing both ways in order to function optimally.

It is time to have your Outer Frontier Gate checked!

The Outer Frontier Gate is a powerful point on the San Jiao channel.  Traditionally, it can be used to fortify our Wei Qi, which is similar to but broader than the western notion of our immune system.  It is also used to help protect and fortify us against external forces, such as a challenging work environment or other situations that require interaction (even if only through Zoom!).  Isolation and physical distancing might be putting a strain on how this Gate is currently functioning in your life.  As our communities re-open and we return to work and social situations, this Gate needs to be able to close and open in just the right ways to serve our highest good.

At the mind and spirit level, we associate Fire with love, relationships, laughter, compassion, enthusiasm, connection, and being able to regulate ourselves appropriately in social situations.  What happens when our Fire is excessive or deficient? Someone who has a habit of laughing even when describing upset, or is flat when describing something of great emotional magnitude is experiencing incongruity within their Fire Element. We observe this in people who are too “chilly” in relationships, or constantly “on”, always joking, or not being serious when appropriate. When our Fire is balanced and in relationship with the other Elements, we have the capacity for mature expression and affection, we can give and receive warmth, we can take care of ourselves with appropriate caution and/or liberation, and take delight in our relationships.

Bill Plaschke of the LATIMES (9-25-18) described an early interview with LeBron James just after he signed with the Los Angeles Lakers basketball team: “He didn’t emote, He didn’t engage. His tone was flat. His face was stone. His mood was cold. He talked about the excitement of joining the Lakers with a decided lack of excitement.  ‘… I’m happy to be at this point today,’  [James] said without expression”.  What was up with LeBron’s Fire element?! Or was he just putting on a game face? My “Fire” antennae were up when I read this!

Classical Five Element Acupuncture excels at addressing your highest needs in the total context of who you are, and what is most in need of support at your time of treatment.

The Fire Element governs four channels, and also covers a range of physical and psycho-emotional symptoms.  Signs of low Fire can manifest in chills and numbness of the extremities, in menstrual irregularities, and sexual dysfunction. Signs of excessive Fire can manifest in fever, chronic infections, constipation, anxiety and sleep disturbance.  Optimal health is when we are feeling good on all levels: body, mind and spirit, and when our Fire is appropriately robust.

How can you be in harmony with the Fire element?  Find ways to have fun even during the pandemic (though it may not look like the fun from the “before times”), find something that makes you laugh, find a way to be safely social (we are all trying to figure out what this means now), find ways to give expression to your passion, and bust out a dance or even an exercise move to promote circulation.  You’ll be glad you did.

Do you need to have your “Gates” checked? My new office is open, sanitized in between patients and ready for you.  Call or text me for an appointment on Wednesdays or Fridays: 310-617-4194.

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