The April Vibe, “Liver” energy

It’s happening! Flowers and trees are blooming, little green shoots are emerging from the dirt, tiny leaves are sprouting and days are increasingly longer. The energy of Spring is gaining momentum, despite the occasional rain or chilly night. In this picture, do you see one piece of bamboo reaching higher than the others? That’s Liver energy, reaching up and out; this is the potential and manifestation of Spring.

In acupuncture theory, humans are microcosms of the the natural world that surrounds us. So we can’t help but be influenced by the seasons. You experience this when you go the grocery store or farmers’ market and see different fruits and veggies on display. You observe the sun in a different location when you eat lunch. You see in late afternoon that it’s still light out on a drive home from work or school.  So we must adapt to the changing season.

Every season is associated with an organ system (plus other interesting correspondences). Spring is associated with the Liver System (and, for example, the color green), with tendons and the eyes.  The life functions of the Liver System are adaptation, growth, and evolution.

So this is a season to grow yourself, to reach a little higher, to make (and implement) that plan you’ve meaning to make. You might observe in someone’s garden that a vine is staked to an arbor or wire to give it direction and support as it grows. Now is the time to make your plan, to envision your destination and the steps you need to get there. Find the resources you need to keep you appropriately supported as the months go on.  Your Liver system is poised to help you succeed.  So eat your asparagus, enjoy the flowers, and reach up and out towards your future.


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