Do you want to manage stress more effectively and regain some sense of balance and harmony?

When confronted with danger, a “stress response” is designed to save your life. Muscles tense, energy soars and your pulse races in order to escape a perceived threat. Digestion and reproduction systems are reduced since they are not necessary for immediate survival. This “flight, fight, freeze” response is controlled by the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system and is an integral part of our survival mechanism.
Normally this response would only be triggered if your life was in danger. The catch is that our modern culture has evolved (or devolved) such that many people today spend a good deal of time at least partially immersed in this state.
For most of us, the pendulum swings from busy to calm, or from busy to crazy busy. Part of regaining balance is to have enough reserves to get you through the crazy busy times. The other part is to teach you what “survival” skills and tools you can use – in addition to acupuncture and/or herbs – to reach your finish line without seriously jeopardizing your health.
Acupuncture has a strong calming effect on your nervous system, and is quite effective at helping your body settle back into a healthier state. A short series of treatments will help stabilize you, and at the same time we’ll talk about strategies and tools you can use on your own to regain and maintain a life in balance.