this shows a model of a woman with the acupuncture meridians or channels diagrammed on her back and head
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Adapting acupuncture treatments during pandemic times

microscopic picture of a virus
Staying safe and adapting to a viral health crisis

I am happy to announce several new treatment options to reflect safety and budget considerations to help you get through these pandemic times.  We are all needing to adapt to the current circumstances, and I hope these offerings will help you get the help you want and need.

this shows a model of a woman with the acupuncture meridians or channels diagrammed on her back and head
There are 12 primary meridians coursing the body, plus 2 central ones that ascend and descend the midline of the body

REDUCED CONTACT TIMES: Even though I am observing all safety protocols, reduced indoor contact times are one way to reduce exposure and risk. Therefore, I’m offering shorter treatments that are approx. 20-40 minutes. Please see details below.

IMMUNE SUPPORT FOCUSED: In acupuncture, we don’t treat the immune system, per se, but we “tonify the Wei Qi”, the defensive Qi, which includes but is broader than the western immune system. This treatment includes just 7-10 needles and a rest.  Total treatment time: approximately 35-40 minutes.  I will pre-screen you to determine if this is appropriate.  Cost of treatment: $70.

YOUR ELEMENTAL TREATMENT: If you are currently receiving Classical Five Element treatment, you will receive your elemental foundational points. Total treatment time: approximately 35-40 minutes. Cost of treatment: $70.

there is a correspondence between the ear and the entire body, and we can treat the entire body by just treating the ear.
The ear has corresponding body points, and can be treated with seeds, pellets or small needles.

EAR-ONLY TREATMENTS:  If you need support to help relieve anxiety, stress, depression, focus, insomnia or body aches, come in for an ear treatment.   EAR SEEDS: This is a time-efficient treatment, 20 minutes for $35.   EAR NEEDLES:  After ear needles are applied, rest quietly for 20 minutes. Total treatment time 30 minutes, for $70.

TUNING FORKS: If you are feeling too sensitive for needles just yet, then tuning forks will be applied to appropriate acupuncture body points.  Total treatment time: approximately 30 minutes for $70.

I have been safely open since June, screening all patients for exposure to Covid-19, taking temperatures and pulse oxygen levels, aggressively sanitizing the office, running multiple air filters, diffusing anti-viral essential oils, wearing a mask throughout treatment and requesting that you do the same. My patients are telling me they feel comfortable and safe returning for treatment, and are getting the help they need during the weirdest and what seems like the most stressful year ever.

Is there something else that’s keeping you from scheduling the acupuncture treatment you want?

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  1. I was recently taught how to administer my own acupuncture treatments by simply using the breath! Nothing could be safer that that!!

    1. Kathleen Port, L.Ac. says:

      Breath is a powerful tool, indeed.

  2. Those treatments all sound like they could be helpful during this pandemic time! Given how stressful it has been, that ear treatment might be the most needed.

    1. Kathleen Port, L.Ac. says:

      Ear treatments for stress are usually agreeable for most folks.

  3. I don’t know much about acupuncture but I do appreciate the changes you are making to remain safe.

    1. Kathleen Port, L.Ac. says:

      Thanks! If we all help each other stay safe, I hope that means we’ll get through this time more quickly.

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